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Headshot of author EM Dunst in blacka dn white button up.

EM Dunst

New Upcoming Author

New Release

Hit A Chord (2023)

Sometimes poems are more like songs that make you want to sing along. Find your own tune and dance to your own beat. Let the song you create move your feet.

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A music staff being smashed by a hammer. Music notes disperse in the air. Cover of Hit a Chord poem book.

New Release

Exposed (2023)

Words from the heart are the hardest to let out.  Words from the mind can freely be written down.  Poetry was my way of relieving them both from the cluttered words trapped inside.

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A woman unzipping her purple dress. In doing so she is revealing the title Exposed.

New Release

Creative Congestion (2023)

Life through love and everything in between.  Poetry from 30 years for every mood.  Words from my head and heart written on paper.  Poems for all types of flavors.

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A woman in contemplation. A woman struggling to come up with new creative ideas. She is very pensive and mentally congested causing creativity blockage.

New Release

Just Let It Flow (2023)

With words you can speak emotions.  When the words come together poems are created.  While reading poetry, emotions become pictures that play in your heart.  Let your heart and mind become one.  

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A library full of books. A new book slowly being written with pages flowing like a river. A story of poetry pacefully flowing together.

New Release

Threads (2023)

Book 2 of the Woven Series


Now that Jin-Un and Na-ye found away to live with their skill in lifing peacefully, the next generation begin to discover the skill.  The threads that join the family tapestry start to unravel as secrets become known. What would you do if this life changing hidden skill was revealed to you?  Would you accept the threads of the past or rip the threads of the future?

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A tapestry being torn apart by the threads. Lead girl of 2nd book of Woven bent on revenge and tearing her family apart like threads.

Behind the Eyes (2021)

When a psychopath skilled in hypnosis attacks women causing many to live in fear and confusion is plaguing the city, Detective Akio Izumi and Doctor Daisuke Sanada become partners by circumstance.  In order to catch a monster, they have to look through the eyes of the monster without getting trapped in the shadows behind their own eyes.

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An green eye filled with fear as a victim is faced with her attacker. tear filled eyes reflecting the silhouette of a man about to claim his next victim.

Woven (2020)

Living or Stranding- the ability to weave a human hair in a tapestry to change the owner of the hair's life for the better or worse.  

If you had the ability of living or stranding, would you use it for better or abuse it?  Or would you avoid using it out of fear?  Will the tapestry Na-Ye creates be stitched with juvenile jealousy towards Jin-Un snag her decisions or will she choose to re-weave a friendship with stronger threads.

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Aaron Boyd, FL

Woven- "Woven by EM Dunst was such a captivating read. Once I started I couldn't put it down, it was that good. I loved how the story kept you on your toes and kept you thinking what was going to happen next. With references to family traditions, a little drama, sadness, love, and happiness there is not more that you would want from a book. The story line was so real yet with an almost magical narrative, it made me feel like I was apart of the story, or at least wish I was apart of it. With how vivid of a picture the author displays, I want one of the tapestry's' myself. Can't wait to read the next story!"- Amazon

Karla Natale, FL

Woven- "This was an amazing writing, woven perfectly together. I felt like I went through the roller coaster of emotions, from joy to tears, anger to anguish, I connected well with the characters. I'm the end I felt like we've gone through a lifetime and I did not want to put the book down, not wanting the journey to end. The book was easy to read, I wish the name meanings were explained in a way, although I know each had to do with their personalities. Overall, a great experience" - Amazon

Heidi LaRosa, WI

Woven- “Woven has it all!!  It is creatively written.  It has magical aspects that changes lives and friendships for good and evil.  It is suspenseful which encourages you to keep reading to determine what happens next.  I am a slow reader but I was able to finish the book quickly.  It's ending spiked my interest for what will happen in the next book!"”- Author's email.

Karla Natale, FL

Behind the Eyes-"Oh you want feels, feels?  EM Dunst does it again. This one has twists and turns, plot twists on every corner. You have the unexpected and the love story all in one thrilling novel. I am so ready for the sequel!."- Amazon

Heidi Wilson, MI

Behind the Eyes- "A real page-turner!  Fascination and intrigue around every dangerous corner!"- Author's email

About EM Dunst

From poet to author, EM Dunst discovered her love for writing stories later in life.  She was writing poetry since childhood and expanded her repertoire to novelettes.  


EM Dunst wants her readers to visualize their own details of people and scenery as they read her books.  She feels creativity is a dying art.  She hopes her books would spark the imagination. 

Her style of writing and storylines are unique and intriguing.  Even though she is focused on young adults, she hopes the old and all in between will enjoy her stories also.

High mid shot of author EM Dunst in white button up shirt and drapped black jacket

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