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The Truth is Just Easier

Eileen Dunst

There are sayings like honesty is the best policy and the truth will set you free.  Then why do people still lie so much?  Personally, I think telling the truth is so much easier than trying to remember the lies. 


                  The sad thing is there are sayings like money talks and cash are king.  Those sayings bring the craving of money and power.  They make you try to do anything to get what you want… including lying.


                  It seems to me lying and cheating are the hard way to live life to make it on easy street.  It may be easy in the beginning, but on the back end it will be hard to keep what you earned on your way to easy street.  If you work hard in the beginning, it will be harder to lose.  That means you didn’t rush into making the money.  You took the time to learn the lessons during the times of struggle.  So, when there is a chance of losing the money, you already know how to shift directions and not only keep your money but earn more.


                  You will always be fighting to be the best or be at the top.  If you get educated, but that doesn’t always mean at a school.  There are books to read and videos to watch.  This will give you an unbreakable base to build your business or income.  Don’t stop learning there.  Keep your mind and ears wide open.  Education and the truth will keep you ahead of the game and in front of any challenge. 


                  If you base your income on lies, it will stop and stop quickly.  To keep it going you will have to remember every lie you said and to whom you said it.  That sounds stressful and like a huge headache.  It is easier to forget a lie than a truth.

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