My article tab on my website should actually be called Thoughts. I write down what is on my mind on any random day. It may be a goofy thought. It may be from my heart. But all of it is a passing thought.
I just want to write about topics that make you think or use your imagination. I feel the imagination is a dying trait we all should have and actively using daily. And now AI will kill more people’s imagination. I feel if you cannot create something up on your own, then maybe should not be trying. Due to lack of creativity, people run to a computer instead of using someone else’s imagination.
I had paid someone for promotional purposes and she said the original cover of one of my books needed to change. She sent me a cover that was created by using AI and it had nothing to do with the story. I lost faith and trust in that person then.
Using someone who actually can read the book and get a feel for it is important. The human touch puts that extra touch of emotion in it. For example, pop music uses a lot of drum machines or keyboards to play all instruments. This music has a flat sound to it. It lacks depth. It is the same thing with stories.